


��ʧ���ɻ� [The missing MH370 flight]

“��������Ҳ����������Ϣ��������һ�������Ϣ��” "We are waiting eagerly for news from the missing flight, even the slightest news."

“ֻҪ��һ˿ϣ�������Ǿ��������Ѿȣ�” "China will not give up its efforts in searching for a missing Malaysia Airlines flight with 154 Chinese aboard, as long as there is a glimmer of hope."

“�����й��ĺ��లȫ����������һֱ���ҷ��ɣ��������찡��” "We've never let up any effort in ensuring aviation safety. Human life is the most important."

���� [Fighting Corruption]

“�й������������Ը��ܵ���־�;�����һ���……���ڸ��ܷ��Ӻ͸�����Ϊ������ʵ�е���‘������’���й��Ƿ��ι��ң�������˭������ְλ�ߵͣ�������ǰ����ƽ�ȣ�ֻҪ�Ǵ����˵��͹�������Ҫ������������鴦�����Ρ�” "The Party and government are firm in fighting corruption with zero tolerance. China has the rule of the law. No matter who it is, how senior his position is, as long as he violates Party discipline and law, he will be severely dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law."

“������ṫ�ڸ߶ȹ�ע��һЩ���򣬱��������س��ý����롢���Ȩ��ת�õȣ�����Ҫȫ����ƣ�Ҫͨ��һϵ�е��ƶ��Դ�ʩ����Ȩ��Ѱ����Ϊ���ø��������޲���֮�ء�” "There will be a full audit in key areas like land transfer and mining rights so corrupt officials have nowhere to hide."

�й����ܱ߹�ϵ [China's diplomacy with neighboring countries]

“����60��ǰ���й���һЩ�ܱ߹��Ҿ͹�ͬ�����ƽ��������ԭ�������ܱ���ʱ�������пĿ����������������ֻҪ�����໥���ء��ܿط��硢�������ݣ�������Ӧ���Ǻ�г�������������Ǵ̶���������” "As long as 60 years ago, China joined some of its neighbours and put forward the principle of 'peaceful coexistence.' When neighbors interact with each other, it is only natural that sometimes they will run into problems of some kind or another. As long as they respect each other, properly manage differences and pursue mutual benefits, there will be harmonious sound instead of jarring noises."

�������� [The Chinese economy]

“��ô�죿�����ѻ���ŵ�����Ȼ��������Ҫ���ǻۡ����DZ��ֶ��������º�۵��ص�˼·�ͷ�ʽ����ȷ�˾������еĺ������䣬���������;�ҵ����Խ�����ޡ�ͨ�Ͳ���ͻ�����ޣ����������ٸĸ���ṹ�����г���������������ϰ��ƽͬ־Ϊ����ǵĵ������쵼�£�����ȫ������Ĺ�ͬ�ܶ������Ƕ�סѹ����ʵ���˾�����ᷢչ����ҪԤ��Ŀ�ꡣ” "We showed guts and wisdom, held our ground, and innovated. We ensured bottomlines for growth and employment, and upper limits for inflation. Under the Party and Xi Jinping's leadership, we faced down the pressure and met our targets."

“��νĥ���˸��Ӳ�������������ֻҪ�����������ѡ�ֱ����ս�������ܺ����������¿��ѵijɹ�֮����������ȥ��Ӧ�Ծ������еľ������й����������ž޴��DZ�ܺ����ԣ�����������Ҳ������ʹ���꾭�����б����ں������䡣” "'Sharpened axe can cut firewood.' As long as we face our challenges squarely and exert our strengths and avoid risks, we will be able to keep economic growth at a reasonable rate."

������ϵ [Sino-U.S. relations]

“������ͬ���������졣” "Wise people seek common ground and the foolish focus on differences."

�ĸ� [Reform]

“ȥ����������Ժ����40�γ�����飬������30�����о��ĸ���ص����⣬��ʹ��������������Ҳ�����øĸ�ľ����о����ƽ��ġ������ȡ���Ǿ������г��������������Ĵ�������������Ӧ�������Σ��������ܻݡ�” "Out of 40 executive meetings of the State Council held in 2013, 30 have been related to reform. Our focus is to increase the vitality of the market and the creativity of society and to allow the people to benefit."

������ϵ [Cross-Straits relations]

“����������ͬ����һ���ˣ��˻�����˵�������¡�……ȥ��������ý�干ͬ��“��”����Ϊ������Ⱥ��֡�����ֿ���˵��ӳ��������ϵ��ƽ��չ�����ƣ�Ҳ��ӳ���������ڵ��ڴ�����Ҳ�ڴ������µ�һ��������ϵ���µĽ�չ���ٽ�һ����” "The people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family. Last year, the media on both sides chose the Chinese character for 'progress' for 2013. This is the development trend."

���ز��ٴ� [Real estate measures]

“������Ⱥ��ס�����ӣ���Ӧ���������ܶ���Ŀ�ꡣ������Ҫ���ݲ�ͬ��Ⱥ�����󣬲�ͬ���е����������ʩ�ߡ��ֳ�ʩ�ߡ�” "The government's goal is to make sure everybody has housing. We will take diverse measures according to the situations in different cities."

“���ⷽ�棬����Ϊ��һ��ʤ��˵һ�ߡ�” "Even one small action is more important than a thousand words."

����������Ⱦ��ս [Declaring war on smog]

“����˵Ҫ����������Ⱦ��ս���ɲ���˵������ү��ս������Ҫ����������ַŵ����������ʽ����ս��” "By declaring war on pollution, such as smog, we don't mean declaring war against nature. We will upgrade our growth model."

��ᱣ�� [Social security]

“����Ҫ���ؼ����������£����DZ������������ߡ��ٹ�ƽ��” "We have three major tasks: 1) meet basic needs, 2) provide a safety net, and 3) increase social equality." 

